Country -Internet censorship -Ban

In India we can browse and access to most of the websites and google service but there are other countries where internet accessibility is not there and restriction on google service. If any browser or apps violate the laws and rules they will be banned. The latest example is ban on 59 Chinese apps by Govt. of India.

What is Internet Censorship?

These are the rules and regulations formed by the different countries over internet access to websites and apps, viewing and publishing things over. Internet which are against the religion and which violate the government norms.

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So in this blog I will explain you about top 5 countries and their internet censorship.

1. India

We can say in India there is more freedom on internet accessibility. We can browse most of the websites and google services. Ministry of Electronics and IT will look at these matter .We have IT act 2000 with different sections to regulate the matters. For example using section 69 A of IT act government banned the Chinese apps the reason was these apps sending the data to china. In India government also banned the all porn websites. Compare to other countries India is free country.

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2. China:

China is the country where strong internet censorship policy is there .They also banned the google services and other popular websites. In china more than sixty online restriction were there. Most of the google services were banned in china. Interestingly Indian websites were also banned in china. The popular apps and google service that we enjoy were mostly banned in India. Here is some banned service

Social media – Facebook, Instagram, Whats App, Twitter, Snapchat, Telegram.

Blogging sites- Blogger, Wordpress.

Mailing – Gmail

Streaming apps – Youtube, Netflix

Search engine – Google, Yahoo.

China has so advanced internet censorship the great firewall that even if you use VPN (Virtual Private Network) you were not able no access the websites/apps.


3. North Korea:

The country which is known for its president and his action, internet is not available to the general people. If you want to buy computers and want to use internet you need to get a special permission. Only   top officials have the accessibility to the internet. In universities only few and fully monitored computers were provided, that to they have access to the government approved websites.

4. Saudi-Arabia:

As we know it’s a strict punishments to criminals in similar way it also have strict rules for internet access. Wikipedia and Google translate were banned for some time. It has different monitoring of the interesting facts that it encourages the people to report the immoral activities done through internet like pornography, activities against their religion were strictly punishable.

 5. Cuba:

An African country where it has strict rules and regulations on internet usage. People can’t access the internet freely. Only official government approved websites were accessible. Websites were fully monitored through using different technologies.

Apart from these many other countries also have the ban on some websites and apps. The websites/apps which violate the country norms against its culture, promote illegal things and most importantly data issues spying on different countries or people by using apps or website .Many data privacy issues and spying allegations were reported against popular websites and apps which were later fixed by the updates.

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